The story behind the story

The story behind the story


 Writers are often asked the question, “What inspired you to become a writer?”

The answer is not as easy to explain as the question being asked. Take a moment or maybe a few with me, and I will tell my story to answer that question. An answer that guided me to write, not one book, but a complete trilogy of books and still looking forward to the adventure of tomorrow's horizon to indulge in writing, yet another trilogy!

 I always had a flare and desire to write stories and poems. But what did lead me to the bigger stage of taking it to a publishing level?

First, I will tell you how my gift of writing, surfaced from within me at a difficult time, to unknowingly, brighten a path of darkness I had fallen onto. Trust me, it was a path no one should endure. One that leaves the soul feeling unloved while joy, itself, simply disappears, and the word, kindness, remains only a word without meaning. Then, at the desperation point of this path, when all appears lost, and my light of living is peeling away, it was then I felt unable to step forward through the darkness.

 Trust me, I'm not the first to fall on such a path, To now know the avenues of life from living through it, I knew I was not alone in this experience. Others, for sure, walked that same darkness, and many more will walk it as well before seeing the true light they hold inside. That light just needs a boost to start.

 So now, I begin.  Let's round up the years to about five years ago. A time when I had fallen into what most would call it to be, a burnout of energy, and like many others who had experienced the same, had no idea to be fully into one.

 However, on that burnout, I encountered what no person should have during a difficult time, and that was a betrayal. 

 We don't have to get into the details of that betrayal, but understand, going through one with people, you thought to trust, people you cared for, well, unfortunately, those same people, were not there for me when I needed them the most.  Because of this, my light began to darken. I lost trust. I lost a friendship I thought to be real, but understood later, to not be a loss, they were just wolves in sheep's clothing as the old saying goes. Yet at the time, it did cause me to lose my self-esteem and self well.  In return, I gained pain, betrayal, anger, and despair.

 You need to understand this was devastating to have happened, but on that narrowing path, I, myself, had special gifts inside me, and a tool of life, that no one could destroy or take away.

 I was fortunate and blessed. I was adopted into the best family anyone could have. They are known as the Mermaid Sisters and a Lighthouse Keeper. So ironic you may think! I'm from an island, where stories of such mermaids exist, but my mermaid family is a true story of kindness and love. A gift of strength given by each. 

 I also possessed a tool inside me and that being my wellness to never give up. With that inner strength, I met another important tool from outside, a professional. A psychologist, that opened my eyes to see past the betrayal I felt and to then use my inner strength. That inner strength was my desire to write. That one strength I was to use to my fullest. Unknowing at the time, it would take me from my dark path; then move me forward and towards the light of hope.  With the love from my family of mermaids and the skill talk of the psychologist, I used that inner strength and began my passion that was not lost, just hidden under despair. My passion for writing blossomed.

 I turned on my computer and allowed the passion to happen. The painful past disappeared from my veins, and the blood of excitement replaced it, as it flowed to the tips of my fingers, tapping the tone of all the stories that were hidden and wanting to surface.  Strange enough, my stories written are never about me or my life. No, my imagination overtakes those thoughts, and I write from my inner skill of true storytelling of that same imagination.

As the days, months, and years pass; my mind continues to race on with the excitement of stories to be told. I healed, and I no longer look back on that path of despair. My love of writing continues to excel as the excitement of doing it, flows over sheets of paper as the paragraphs of ideas and imagination take me into a story.

 Today, sitting in front of my computer with a cup of tea; I'm smiling, recollecting my journey that I surpassed. I write to you the answer of inspiration, “My Story.”    

 I celebrate and count the blessings for the completion of a book trilogy I had not thought possible five years ago.  Wow!

 I do hope you take time to read my books of fiction, as they are thrillers, suspense, crime, romance, mystery, and detective in content. They hold captivating twists and turns for all genders. Stories, Stories, Stories are within me, just tickling my fingertips to never stop. 

 Now, after saying this, if anyone is out there and struggling, circle yourself around good people. Allow them to carry you with encouragement as I do feel from my mermaid sisters.  Just remember, inside each one of us, there is a special tool of wellness that we all must use. So, use it! You will be surprised where it will take you.

 Okay, I get it. Enough of me.  LOL.  I need to write more stories and you need to read them!!!

 Book one of three ''Truth Behind the Lies''

 Book two of three ‘’Secrets and Vendettas''

 Book three of three ''Little Blair, it's Time to Play''